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Wickhambreaux CoE Primary School

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"Technology is the pen and paper of our time, and the lens through which we experience much of our world." David Warlick

Subject Leader Profile​

Mr N Kent (BA Hons, MA, PGCE) leads computing at Wickhambreaux CEP. He is passionate about developing children's understanding of technology so they become computer literate, as this is such an integral part of today's society. 

However, he is mindful of children becoming over-reliant on technology. He believes that while digital skills are crucial, students must also learn to think critically. Through theme days such as Safer Internet Day, children learn about responsible internet use, online safety, the increasing role of artificial intelligence in society, and the importance of maintaining a balanced approach to the digital world. These efforts help children become not only proficient in technology but also mindful digital citizens.

Along with discrete Computing lessons, Mr Kent ensures computing skills are developed and used across the curriculum including word-processing in English, digital art, CAD in DT, and online research in Humanities.

Whilst all children learn to code in Computing lessons, Mr Kent also runs a computing coding club at least one term a year in which children can further their coding skills using Micro:bits, Scratch and Lego Robotics. 

What Computing looks like at Wickhambreaux

Vision Statement

A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world
National Curriculum England, 2013

At Wickhambreaux CEP, we believe that computing is an essential part of the curriculum; a subject that not only stands alone, but is interlinked through all areas, the study of which should form part of learning in all subjects. Computing, in general, is a significant part of modern daily life and children should be at the forefront of new technological developments, and, through a rich and engaging curriculum, should develop a thirst for learning what more is out there. Computing at Wickhambreaux therefore intends to provide a wealth of learning opportunities which foster transferrable skills explicitly within the Computing lesson and across other curriculum subjects. The study of Computing will cultivate a wide range of skills, knowledge and understanding that children will need in order to become functional citizens in modern society. The content delivered through the curriculum we have designed allows for a broad, deep understanding of practical computing procedures and concepts of computer science, and provides opportunities for children to learn how these link to their lives. A range of opportunities are offered for consolidation, challenge and variety, allowing children to use and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science to different situations and contexts. Pupils develop systematic working, logical reasoning and analytical problem-solving skills, and use these to become safe, responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information technology.

Following a scheme of work designed by the National Centre for Computing Education, each lesson will be designed to build upon prior learning by containing elements of revision, extend procedural knowledge and conceptual understanding through analysis and problem-solving, and make clear links to a range of contextual applications of what is learned. Through this approach, pupils’ subject knowledge and skills can be sequentially developed, teaching staff can see the clear progression from what has come before to what is to come after, and high expectations are maintained for all pupils to make progress. Pupils will be inspired to develop a love of the digital world, and learn the skills they will need to navigate it safely and use it responsibly. Lesson plans and selected resources are chosen to help children to build on prior knowledge at the same time as introducing new skills and challenges.

Children will use digital and technological vocabulary accurately, alongside a progression in their technical skills. They will be confident using a range of hardware and software and will produce high-quality purposeful products. Children will see the digital world as part of their world, extending beyond school, and understand that they have choices to make. They will be confident and respectful digital citizens going on to lead happy and healthy digital lives.

Subject Documents

Unit Overviews

Please see class pages for Unit Overviews that contain key facts and information that the children need to have a basic knowledge of to support their learning in class each term.
