History at Wickhambreaux
At Wickhambreaux CEPS we aim to enable the pupils to study, understand and prepare for the future. By studying chronology and key historical skills, our pupils our guided towards becoming independent learners who will have a working understanding of the world around them.
Throughout the school, history is taught via topic based learning.
In Reception, the children draw on their own living memory experiences, using their own and their families’ pasts to formulate historical foundations to building historical skills.
In KS1, the children will research and explore issues surrounding Famous People, for example explorers; key historical events, ie. The Great Fire of London and aspects of what life was like and how it has changed from the 1850s to present day, with a particular focus upon the Victorians, by examining seaside holidays for example.
In Lower KS2 these key historical skills from KS1 are built upon and refined by study and discussion of Ancient Civilizations, ie. Stone Age Peoples, The Egyptians and The Romans. When the children move into upper KS2, they study in greater depth the socio-economic effects and effects of migration by researching The Mayan Cultures and Modern British Changes since 1900. Also there is a close focus upon local historical interests by looking at the evidence of local buildings and how one can chart the social changes within a community by using these as artefacts that reflect these changes.
Children’s progress and attainment in this subject are monitored and support by end of unit assessment within class in EYFS and KS1. In KS2 children will complete a start of topic assessment of existing knowledge and understanding followed by end of topic assessment of historical skills and knowledge, guided by the History Curriculum Map.
The school enjoys holding an annual Humanities Themed Week which alternates between history and geography in relating the particular themed focus each year. For example in October 2020 the school enjoyed Black History Week where the vast contributions of black inventors, scientists, politicians, authors, poets, innovators and many others were discussed and celebrated amongst the classes in a wide variety of activities and ways.
Subject Leader Profile
Mr Beard has always enjoyed the humanities subjects but in particular History and Geography. Whilst he was at school these subjects were always his favourite and he enjoyed studying them equally. This love of the Humanities continued through his adult education. Before going to Canterbury Christchurch University he gained a diploma in European Humanities with the Open University. These subjects also featured heavily in his teacher training where he gained specialist status in History and RE.
Mr Beard will often tell the children how the world is a smaller place than we realise. Knowing our History is key if we are to appreciate where we as a country came from, our place in the world and how we got there. Whilst being aware of the different peoples and places is so important and that a sound understanding of Geography is vital if they are to fully appreciate their place in it and be more aware of the others who share it with them.
Vision Statement
At Wickhambreaux we aim to give our children a humanities curriculum which enables them to become confident, creative and independent learners who can explore the use of different knowledge and skills throughout topical learning. We seek to broaden children’s real-life experiences both inside and outside of school through educational visits, visitors, experimentation, exploration and discovery. Within lessons, our children acquire a range of knowledge and skills in both history and geography which they can then apply to other subjects and in a variety of situations. We believe the study of a combined History and Geography curriculum offers opportunities for children to gain a fuller understanding of where they are from, the journey of how we arrived here and the society in which they live. The children will experience a rich and relevant curriculum as they explore and investigate key historical and geographical topics on areas of local, national or worldwide relevance.
The interactive curriculum will enable the children to grow in their knowledge and understanding of key concepts and therefore developing skills such as: chronological understanding, evaluating evidence, comparing and contrasting, critical thinking, weighing evidence, sifting arguments, investigating artefacts and images, reading maps and atlases and problem solving. Pupils will be empowered to develop a sense of perspective and make value judgments based on evidence. We see these skills as transferable to other curriculum areas and fit naturally with children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural developmental education, as well as the teaching and promotion of British Values.
At Wickhambreaux the children will not just be gaining knowledge of Britain’s past or its place in the world, but through quality teaching they will be developing their understanding of the challenges of our own time and at the same time gaining life skills for the future. Furthermore, it is our aim that through historical and geographical learning, children will become accountable citizens, understanding their role in protecting our world and environment and knowing how they can cause positive change and development as they grow.
What History looks like at Wickhambreaux
Click here to see the Wickhambreaux Heritage Trail, designed and written by Year 3&4 as part of their theme, 'Historical Buildings in Kent'.
Subject Documents
- History Assessment Statements
- History Policy
- KS1 Vocabulary Document
- KS2 Vocabulary Document
- Threshold Concept Progression - Chronology
- Threshold Concept Progression - Communication
- Threshold Concept Progression - Enquiry
- Threshold Concept Progression - Interpretation
- Whole School Humanities Curriculum Map
Unit Overviews
Please see class pages for Unit Overviews that contain key facts and information that the children need to have a basic knowledge of to support their learning in class each term.