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BRP celebration 2024


BRP Prize-giving and Celebration

On Thursday afternoon, the parents and carers of all children who have become better readers on our Better Reading Partnership programme in school, were invited to join us in the hall for afternoon tea.  Whilst everyone  nibbled on cake and sipped tea,  we were able to enjoy watching our Chair of Governors, Helen Abbott, present all the children with certificates and prizes for their hard-work at improving their reading throughout the year. 

We were also able to give extra-special thanks to our current four specially trained adult Reading Partners, who volunteer to support the children with the BRP Programme.  

The BRP programme is a highly effective way of supporting children's reading, by identifying any reading areas specific to each child that would benefit from a focused boost.  We owe so much to the programme and and the trained volunteers who deliver it: Mrs Lucas, Mrs Robson, Mrs Mathers and Mrs Jones.

We all had a lovely afternoon together and I truly hope that the enjoyment of reading and good reading habits that have been nurtured with BRP will continue during the summer holiday and beyond....Keep Reading Everyone!
