Oak Class 
Welcome to Oak Class!
Mrs Barnes
(class teacher)
Mrs Maisey
(class teacher)
Mr Barnes (TA)
Mrs Finlay (TA)
We truly believe learning is a journey - an adventure - which should provide challenge, encourage creativity, inspire curiosity, and most of all, be enjoyable. We aim to inspire a love of learning and high aspirations for all, and provide pupils with the skills and knowledge to help them to fulfil their goals and realise their dreams.
We are currently working on Cycle B for all subjects, except Science which we are on Cycle D.
Latest Class News Updated 6/2/25
This term in Oak Class, we have been busy developing our mathematical skills by learning how to find equivalent fractions and simplify fractions in preparation for tackling fraction addition and subtraction.
In English, we have started our exciting new class novel, Exodus by Julie Bertagna. We have been following Mara’s gripping futuristic adventure as she fights to save her island from rising floodwaters. Inspired by the novel, we have been exploring key features of creative writing, which will help us craft our very own futuristic stories in the coming weeks!
In science, we have embarked on our new topic of geology, where we have been investigating different types of rocks and minerals—getting hands-on to explore their properties up close!
Our RE lessons have led us to an exploration of humanism, where we have been discussing its core beliefs and values. Meanwhile, in geography, we have been comparing London with Glasgow, linking to our class novel, which imagines a vision of Glasgow a hundred years into the future.
It has been a fantastic start to the term, and we are excited to continue our learning journey!
Class Curriculum Map
('24-'25 is Cycle B and Cycle D for Science)
- Upper Key Stage 2 Maths Curriculum Map
- Year 5 and 6 Reading Curriculum Map
- Year 5 and 6 Writing Curriculum Map
English Overviews
Autumn Term - Unit Overviews
- Art and Design - Ancient Greek Pottery
- Art and Design - Britain Since 1900s
- Computing - Communication and Collaboration
- Computing - Systems and Searching
- Computing - Video Production
- Computing - Web Page Creation
- DT - Make do and mend
- French - All About Me
- French - Big Numbers
- French - Planets
- History - Ancient Greece
- History - World War Two
- Music 2023-2024
- Science - Electricity
- Science - Energy
- Science - Forces
- Science - Light and Sound
Spring Term - Unit Overviews
- Art and Design - Animals
- Art and Design - Landscapes and Buildings
- Computing - Flat File Databases
- Computing - Introduction to Spreadsheets
- Computing - Programming Selection in Physical Computing
- Computing - Variables in Games
- DT - Bird Hides
- French - Animals
- French - Body Parts and Descriptions
- French - Describing the Head
- French - My Town
- French - Sports
- Geography - Climate Zones
- Geography - UK Geography Comparing London and Glasgow
- Science - Particle Theory
Summer Term - Unit Overviews
- Art and Design - Collage
- Computing - 3D Modelling
- Computing - Selection in Quizzes
- Computing - Sensing
- Computing - Vector Drawing
- DT - Mayan Food
- French - Sports
- French - The Time
- Music
- Science - Human Health and Fitness
- Science - Life Biosciences and Evolution
- Science - Plants and Photosynthesis
Other Useful Documents