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Wickhambreaux CoE Primary School

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Ofsted 2015


Wickhambreaux School is an outstanding school. This is the judgement of HMI following our section 5 Ofsted inspection in February.

Wickhambreaux was outstanding in 2008, under the old inspection framework, and is still outstanding under the new, more rigorous inspection framework in 2015.

We are delighted to have maintained and improved on our previous judgement and can continue to offer our parents and carers an outstanding education for your children. HMI said: "The headteacher is uncompromising in her drive to ensure each pupil achieves their best. She relentlessly pursues additional funding to provide pupils with the very best opportunities. As a result, she achieves her aim to provide pupils with 'a memorable childhood' and to ensure all have an equal opportunity and in each and every classroom there is a positive environment for learning. Pupils enjoy coming to school because the curriculum is stimulating. Teachers ensure that everyone can access the wide range of exciting opportunities which help the pupils develop a love of learning." Pupils are looked after extremely well. relationships across the school are warm and trusting so that pupils feel secure. Outstanding teaching and learning was seen in every class, as well as excellent assessment systems that enable maximum progress for each child. Behaviour was exemplary, with not a single child off task and all of this at a moments notice.

A full copy of the report can be accessed here
