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Wickhambreaux CoE Primary School

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Who is responsible for Safeguarding in the School? 

At Wickhambreaux CEP School, everyone is responsible for ensuring high standards of pupil behaviour, safety and welfare. The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is the one responsible for all matters related to safeguarding in the school.  At our school, this person is Lisa Crosbie (Headteacher). 

The named governor with responsibility for safeguarding and welfare is Mr R. Green and he can be contacted via  RobG@wickhambreaux.kent.sch.uk 

We also have two other members of staff who have been trained to act as 'deputy' Safeguarding Leads. They receive the same high standard of training and can act as DSL when needed. They are Mr Beard and Mrs Barnes.  

What if I have a concern regarding a child?

Concerns are recorded, raised immediately and then discussed with linked members of staff to identify the appropriate support/action. Every week, all ongoing concerns are reviewed and discuss any new referrals from staff and parents. 

If you have any concerns about the welfare of any child in school, then please do not hesitate to come in and speak to any member of the team or you can email headteacher@wickhambreaux.kent.sch.uk  
